Page 5 - MGMA MRM Issue 01 final
P. 5

Sustainable   Inspecting and   The debris should be collected using non-  be thoroughly cleaned and de-greased using

                                                                an organic solvent such as paint thinners and
            metallic tools, such as soft bristled brushes/
 Solutions  Maintaining   brooms and PVC shovels.               the damaged area dried and coated with paint
                                                                overlapping the damaged area 100mm all round.
            Areas of dirt compaction and any other vegetable
                                                                If the white paint coating to the inner gutter lining
            matter i.e., soil, twigs, weeds, should be carefully
 Gutter Systems  removed and contaminated areas hosed down      enamel is scratched or damaged, clean using a
                                                                non-metallic media. Brush off all contamination
            and cleaned with fresh water. In the case of
                                                                and loose coating particles and repair by painting
            both gravity and siphonic outlets check that
            the outlets are clear and re-protect the welds if   with a good quality gloss paint.
 Whichever metal you choose – cast   Rainwater systems are integral to protecting   necessary.   For repairs to membrane gutters, supplies of
 aluminium, cast iron, fabricated steel or   our buildings and channelling water from roof to   Lastly, check that the fixings are sound and   membrane patches can be obtained from the
 fabricated aluminium – metal represents   ground. Therefore gutters, outlets and downpipes   installed to the recommended torque setting;   gutter manufacturer. Prior to use, wash the
 the most sustainable environmentally-  must demonstrate in-situ strength and structural   if damaged or in need of replacement, contact   damaged area with water and washing up liquid,
 friendly building material. Metal rainwater   capability when handling increasing volumes of   MGMA for further advice.  rinse off and dry thoroughly before commencing
 drainage systems contribute significantly   rainfall and wind loadings.   any repair work. Where the membrane is badly
 to the sustainable design concept, thanks   Industrial rainwater gutter systems are   Where repairs are required, ensure that the   scuffed, torn, ripped or damaged exposing the
 to their high recycled content, recyclability   designed to give many years of reliable service   gutters are clean of debris. In the damaged area,   galvanised metal; heat weld a membrane patch
 and energy efficiency.  dry the surface and remove any loose coating   to an area covering plus 50mm all around the
 but to achieve this, a regular inspection and   particles of protective paint by gently scraping.
 maintenance programme is essential; indeed,   Remove any zinc salts or rust on exposed   damaged section (refer to the manufacturer’s
 such a programme is often a mandatory                          installation instructions).
 MGMA members offer a range of   requirement of the system guarantees available   galvanised surface by abrasive cleaning using a   Safety on site is paramount and MGMA
 sustainable rainwater solutions:  non-metallic media. Brush off all contamination
 for industrial gutters. Neglected gutters may lead   and loose coating particles.  recommends that all inspections and any work
 to premature degradation of the system and                     undertaken on buildings are only carried out by
 prevention is always better than cure - a regular   Abrade the galvanising and 50-75mm of the   competent persons trained for such a purpose
 Aluminium  maintenance programme is the most effective   protective coating around the damaged area to   and that adequate and appropriate safe access
 way of ensuring that serious problems do not   produce a sound, flake free surface. Degrease   is always provided. Safety precautions must be
 Aluminium represents a sustainable,   arise.  thoroughly using solvent wipe. Apply product   taken for the whole duration of inspections and
 environmentally friendly building material;   Coated gutters must be inspected at least   by stiff bristled brush to bring back protective   works. HSG 33 Health & Safety in Roofwork,
 the life time value of aluminium is high,   annually (more frequently if in coastal/heavy   coating to the original 150μms thickness   available from the HSE, provides detailed advice
 lasting more than 25 years. Eighty per   industrial areas or near trees) and MGMA   overlapping the prepared area by 50-75mm   on this subject.
 cent of the aluminium rainwater systems   recommends that the gutter inspection is carried   to ensure the whole area of treatment is fully   Further advice is available from any MGMA
 already in use in the UK have been   out at the same time as the roof inspection.   covered and re-protected.  member company whose details can be found at
 manufactured from recycled aluminium   Details of the inspection, together with any   Abrasions and scratches penetrating the
 and aluminium is 100 per cent infinitely   repair and maintenance work undertaken   galvanised protection in areas
 recyclable at the end of its life.  must be recorded in the product guarantee   not protected should
 The inspection method will vary depending on
 Steel  the type of system the gutters are connected
 to; for a gravity drainage system ensure that all
 Galvanised steel represents a sustainable,   pipework is inspected in accordance with BS EN
 environmentally friendly building material   12056-3:2000 and for siphonic drainage systems
 due to its longevity. Galvanised steel can   check that the system (outlets, tailpipes,
 be reused or recycled repeatedly without   horizontal carrier pipes, etc.) is
 losing its qualities as a building material   inspected in accordance with BS
 making it a sustainable choice for low   EN 8490:2007.
 carbon specification projects.
 Any build-up of debris,
 including debris remaining
 after the roof installation for
 Cast iron  example, drilling swarf,
 loose fixings, and rivets
 Cast iron is a popular choice for its   should be cleared
 traditional virtues of strength, reliability,   from the gutters
 versatility and sustainability. Cast iron   taking care not to
 rainwater goods are often manufactured   scratch or damage
 from a mix of the following recycled   the protective
 materials, scrap iron, scrap steel   surface.
 pressings and scrap steel casting.
 The resultant cast iron products are
 themselves 100 per cent recyclable at the
 end of the product’s life cycle.
                                                        Image reflects well maintained gutters
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