Page 9 - MGMA MRM Issue 01 final
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Marley Alutec Web MGMA
Checks In Wise Membership
Membership of MGMA is open to all
companies who manufacture and market
metal rainwater systems, downpipes
and their associated fittings. In addition,
membership is open to those companies
who provide a range of professional
support services to the metal rainwater
systems industry.
Guidance documents
Manufacturer members
MGMA produces a range of guidance
documents designed to educate specifiers and Alu-Cast Enterprises Limited
contractors alike on the type of metal rainwater Alumasc Rainwater Systems
systems available, their application, superior
Products from Marley Alutec’s Aligator range The decorative ogee shape also has a large life expectancy and unrivalled value over other ARP Limited
of aluminium rainwater systems have been gutter capacity meaning it can cope with high material alternatives. Ash & Lacy
specified for the Ardgartan Hotel, located near levels of rainfall. This is essential for a project
Arrochar, Scotland, thanks to their high-quality like Ardgartan Hotel, where there is a large roof The roof drainage system is an important aspect BD Fabrications Limited
design and excellent durability. space with a lot of water run-off. of the overall roof design and the design process
and the correct selection of materials can be Central Fabrications Ltd
Set in 50 acres of beautiful parkland, once the The Aligator system is manufactured from complex. It is therefore recommended that in Guttercrest Limited
grounds of a long-demolished mansion, the marine grade aluminium, which is 100 per cent addition to reading the guidance documents, the
Ardgartan Hotel occupies an elevated position recyclable at the end of its long life span, which designer consults an MGMA member for advice Hall & Botterill Limited
with panoramic views down Loch Long, whose is typically 50 years or more. What’s more, Hargreaves Foundry Limited
shore is just 30 yards away. as aluminium is so impervious to corrosion,
very little maintenance is required during this JPM Pressbrake Sections Limited
John White from John H White Architects said: extended lifecycle.
“The hotel is positioned in a beautiful but quite Product Selector Kingspan Limited
exposed location and so specifying products that “There were a lot of unusual corners and drops Lindab Ltd
could withstand extreme weather conditions was on the building,” commented Stuart MacKay, The product selector has been designed to help
one of the major requirements for this project. construction site manager, from MacKay you quickly find a suitable manufacturer for your Marley Alutec
There was also an emphasis on durability and Construction. “However, with the excellent help next project. Seamless Aluminium Group
low maintenance for all external products. and support from Alutec’s technical services
team, we were able to install the gutters and Using the drop-down menus, you can select Weatherfast Limited
“We use Marley Alutec on all of our projects downpipes with ease – which enabled us to finish by material type for example, fabricated steel,
that are two storeys and over, as they are more the project on time and on budget.” cast iron, cast aluminium etc., and by product
durable than other options available on the application – domestic, non-domestic, heritage,
market. Therefore, when we started working on Rainwater system designs can be a complicated new build and refurbishment. Professional members
this project we knew Alutec’s products would process and to ensure maximum performance,
fit the brief perfectly because of their ability Marley Alutec’s technical services team can CRM Rainwater Drainage Consultancy
to withstand the effects of weathering, their answer any queries specifiers may have, as well
durability and low-maintenance performance. as advising on designs and layouts. This provides
The traditional designs available also enabled us confidence to specifiers that the chosen design Members’ CPDs
to ensure the aesthetics complemented the style and products are fit for the job and conform to
of the building.” Building Regulations. MGMA members offer a range of CPD seminars
The architects specified the Aligator Ogee Neil Wells, managing director for the hotel designed to expand and reinforce your industry
No. 46 gutter with Traditional 102mm x 76mm owners M.F.Wells Hotels Limited, concludes: knowledge and disseminate the results of new
downpipes. Alutec’s Aligator Snapfit gutter “The building boasts a very traditional development and innovation in the use of metal
jointing system features an internal ‘Snap- architectural design and Marley Alutec’s products rainwater systems in the built environment.
fit’ union and a concealed fascia bracket to have complemented this characteristic perfectly. Attending regular CPD seminars will ensure you
provide a smooth, uninterrupted line at the “As well as providing a great look, the aluminium keep up to date with changes in the industry,
eaves of a building – perfect for a project like guttering has given us peace of mind, as we know particularly in the areas of legislation and
Ardgartan Hotel where there is a classic design that the products will last for many years and will regulation.
need virtually no maintenance during that time.”
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