Page 7 - MGMA MRM issue 02
P. 7

Make the   Very Low  A building may have a time period allowed for   a rainfall intensity in l/ (s.m2). There are graphs

            the replacement/refurbishment of sheeting and
                                                                for one year, five years, 50 years and 500 years
 Calculated   rooflights of only 20 years, but in most cases,   in the standard, and also a more complex
                                                                procedure which allows rainfall intensity to be
            it would not be acceptable to flood the building
            contents once every 20 years. Conversely, a
                                                                calculated for any return period. Most calculation
            building where the construction materials have      software will use this more complex procedure.
 Choice     a very long expected lifespan, but where the        The graphs are not very detailed, so some
                                                                interpolation will be needed, both to locate the
            contents of the building have no real value,
            may have a protection life much shorter than a      site and then work out the rainfall intensity.
            theoretical building component’s life.
                                                                The rainfall intensity can then be multiplied by
            The only logical approach is to determine how       a catchment area to get a flow rate in l/s, which
            often it would be acceptable for the building       can be compared to manufactured capacities, or
            to flood and then to use that value. Too short      used for more complex detailed design. Selecting
 Medium     and the occupiers will be disadvantaged; too        the correct rainfall intensity is critical to the
            long and the system will be uneconomic. For a       design process, and effort expended at this early
            building of normal use, 60 years at Category 2      stage, will help ensure the correct design later on
            protection is a suitable level of protection.       in the process.
            It could be argued that Category 4 is the best      The MGMA has produced an eaves gutter design
 Low        design level to use in all cases, as it will never   flow chart GD18 Eaves gutter design flow which
 The UK climate is becoming warmer, wetter and
 windier and extreme weather is now an all-year-  flood. This is technically correct, however there   enables the user to perform calculations to BS
 round probability in the UK, ranging from flash   must always be a balance between protection   EN12056-3:2000. By entering simple information
 floods one day to heat waves the next.   and cost.             relating to building dimensions, geographical
                                                                location and proposed gutter style, the flow chart
 Climate change is one of the key drivers for   Category 4 is likely to give figures 2.5 times   will provide guidance on gutter specification.
 improving roof drainage and water management.   higher than a rainfall intensity derived from a   The flow chart is available for download on the
 Developing new standards, regulations and   realistic protection life, which on some buildings   MGMA web site.
 testing methods to ensure products and   may make it impossible to drain, on others very
 solutions align to the worst-case scenarios of   difficult, and on all, more costly. There is a more   It is important that rainwater manufacturers offer
 climate models is essential.   serious issue with the use of Category 4 when   the relevant support and technical advice to their
 High       applied to siphonic drainage, as there is a risk    specifier and installer customers so that metal
 Rainwater systems are integral to protecting   the systems will clog up before they ever really   rainwater gutters are correctly specified across
 our buildings and channelling water from roof to   function siphonically.   all projects.  MGMA members can advise on
 ground. Gutters, outlets and downpipes must   Distribution of rainfall levels across the UK  design to BS EN12056-3:2000; further advice
 demonstrate in-situ strength and structural   Siphonic systems are laid level and rely on   and guidance is available from any MGMA
 capability when handling increasing volumes of   UK design practice is based on BS EN12056-  regular flushes of high velocity flow to stay clear.    member company whose details can be found on
 rainfall and wind loadings.   3:2000 Gravity drainage systems inside buildings.   If the systems are designed to Category 4, then   the MGMA website at
 Roof drainage, layout and calculation which   it may be 600 years or more between flushes
 Rainfall intensity design is the critical first step   assesses the risk of overflow to the building, and   through, by which time they will have clogged up.
 in any roof drainage design. After blockage by   then assigns one of four risk categories:
 debris, poorly selected rainfall intensity is the   Once a building protection life has been   Selecting the correct rainfall is essential
 leading cause of water ingress into buildings   Category 1:  External gutters only - reaches   obtained, the graphs in the national annex of
 from gutter systems. Unless the design process   maximum capacity in a one-year   BS EN12056-3:2000 can be used to determine
 is understood, the design can be significantly   storm
 under what is required and can result in regular   Category 2:  Normal inboard gutters - reaches
 flooding; or the design can be significantly over   maximum capacity in a storm 1.5 x   Damage caused by inadequate roof drainage
 what is required, and excessive materials used   the building life
 and/or a siltation risk can be generated.
 Category 3:  Inboard gutters in important
 The key factor to note about design rainfall in the   buildings - reaches maximum
 UK is that it is based on summer thunderstorm   capacity in a storm 4.5 x the building
 conditions, thus it is of very short duration (two   life
 minutes) and is heaviest in the driest parts of
 the country, where the worst thunderstorms are   Category 4:  Nuclear power stations and archive
 seen.  Design rainfall in the north of Scotland   buildings - this event should never
 will be less than half the value in London and the   be exceeded.
 south east, which may surprise those not familiar   However, when working with these categories,
 with the process.  some issues are raised. How is building life
 The UK is unusual in that varying rainfall   determined, is it the component life or the life the
 intensities are used based on geographical   building that must be protected against ingress
 location and risk to building contents, unlike   from water? In this context the wording in the
 many areas of Europe where a single blanket   standard is not particularly helpful, it probably
 rainfall intensity is used for the whole country and   would be better expressed as protection of
 any building type.   contents life.

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